ISO 50001
Visual. Simple. Structured.

Software for SMEs & Enterprise, for newcomers & professionals.
Developed with auditors and experts.

The ecorise method

Doing the right things - in the right order.

Why does the ecorize method protect against unnecessary work, superfluous measurement technology, wrong investments – and at the same time against critical deviations from standards?


Visualize structures, balance energy data and link everything important for ISO 50001.

Seamlessly link and manage energy flow balances, data points, energy and sensor data, documents, energy targets, action plans, SEUs, efficiency projects and much more.

Beta program

Get started right away - and help shape innovation.

Create and visualize structures for the energy flow balance. Test data point planning, waste heat documentation and all functions of the full version.

The ecorize method

Doing the right things - in the right order.

Why does the ecorize method protect against unnecessary work, superfluous measurement technology, wrong investments – and at the same time against critical deviations from standards?


Visualize structures, balance energy data and link everything important for ISO 50001.

Seamlessly link and manage energy flow balances, data points, energy and sensor data, documents, energy targets, action plans, SEUs, efficiency projects and much more.

Beta program

Get started right away - and help shape innovation.

Create and visualize structures for the energy flow balance. Test data point planning, waste heat documentation and all functions of the full version.

ecorize Team

Cooperate start-up of the OMS Group


Coming soon.


Obtain expertise and support - master energy management together. If required, the ecorize team will be happy to assist you.

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General information about ecorize

Whether you are a company that has already been successfully operating a management system in accordance with ISO 50.001 for many years, or would like to be newly certified, or simply want to increase your energy efficiency, ecorize is a suitable tool for you. With ecorize, a concrete and transparent framework is created for energy efficiency as part of the energy transition.

From working together with our customers, we can say that a graphic representation of the energy structure is already half the battle. With ecorize you can structure your company in a simple and understandable way – show the current state of knowledge, plan the development of previously unknown areas and still concentrate on the essentials. Communicating your energy management system to your employees or an external auditor will be child’s play. With a good energy overview of your company, you can make the right adjustments to achieve the greatest possible energy savings year after year.

Just as many companies have a Chief Financial Officer, there should also be an awareness in the area of energy that energy, like money, is a finite resource that should be used responsibly. As an energy manager, you have the task of ensuring that the company organization becomes more energy efficient. This can be done through organizational or technical measures, for example. ISO 50.001 contains a good framework with requirements and objectives; however, a precise method to meet these requirements and objectives, especially in industry, is often not known. In ecorize you will find such a method, based on VDI 3922, which helps to operate an efficient energy management system according to ISO 50.001 in an industrial environment.

With ecorize, you have a tool at hand with which you can structure your company into sub-areas (systems). For each of these systems, any number of documents can be stored in ecorize and saved in your company’s SharePoint. Calculated values from Excel files can also be linked to data points in ecorize to ensure maximum flexibility and data integrity. With this easily accessible file repository, you always have all linked documents at hand and stored according to the standards of your IT guidelines.

A measurement plan is a basic tool for maintaining an energetic overview of your company. Dividing your company into sub-areas (systems) results in a hierarchical structure and subdivision of your company into sub-areas and processes. For each of these groupings, it is essential to know how high their energy requirements are. This grouping gives you an overview in the form of a measurement plan of the areas of your company for which energy consumption is known and where you may still have some catching up to do. This measurement plan allows you to continuously improve and refine your energy management system.

A measurement plan is usually a list of measurement points which, without a link to a graphical structure, can quickly appear abstract and have no real added value. It is also often uncertain whether all parts of the company have really been recorded correctly. Thanks to its unique structure, ecorize contributes to the implementation of the structural approach according to VDI 3922, which makes a structured analysis of your company child’s play. You will experience that your measurement plan is not only complete, but can also be created quickly and intuitively, kept up to date and expanded and extended. This means that you can get a good overview of your energy situation with little effort and, if necessary, delve deeper into areas where it is necessary and worthwhile.

The energy assessment is at the heart of ISO 50.001 and is the determination of the status quo of the company’s energy-related performance. With an energy assessment, a comparison can be made at any later point in time with the current situation in order to prove a successful increase in energy efficiency. Thanks to the clarity of the energy flow balance according to VDI 3922, ecorize enables you to create an energy assessment and compare it with the current one at a later date.

In its information sheets, the DIN Standards Committee on the Fundamentals of Environmental Protection (NAGUS) describes EnPIs as key figures that show the actual energy-related performance of the company. Any influences (e.g. outside temperature) should not have a significant impact on an EnPI. First, an energy baseline (EnB) must be created against which future energy consumption can be compared in order to determine whether any changes (e.g. control rules) have resulted in an improvement or deterioration in energy efficiency. This baseline (EnB) is created over a certain period of time and should also provide a good basis for assessing whether the energy situation has improved or deteriorated over this period. Once such an energy baseline has been calculated, this calculation can also be applied to the current energy consumption, thus creating a comparison that is independent of the influences taken into account in the calculation. If all significant non-controllable influences are included in the calculation, you can concentrate on optimizing the controllable influences and thus continuously improve the energy efficiency of this (sub)process on a reliable data basis.

There are various requirements and subsidies in the energy sector that require a management system as defined by ISO 50.001 or EMAS. Whether your company is obliged to introduce one of these management systems or which subsidies are available to you through the introduction of such a management system can be found in the laws and regulations applicable in your region and industry. Some examples are the Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG), electricity price compensation, the Energy Financing Act (EnFG) and the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG), where you can receive aid through the BEHG Carbon Leakage Ordinance (BECV). These (and possibly other standards) have different limits and thresholds for when the introduction of a management system in accordance with ISO 50.001 or EMAS is required or when you can claim the subsidy. Depending on the law and the size of your company, implementation level 3 of ISO 50.005 or an energy audit in accordance with DIN 16247-1 may be sufficient. Also take the time to look at the information sheets provided by the German government, which often contain interpretations of the legal texts with examples. Even if there is no requirement to set up a management system in accordance with ISO 50.001, it is still recommended, as the potential for large energy savings often remains undiscovered without a systematic approach. With ecorize, whether you opt for a small or full management scope, you can quickly gain an overview and easily meet the documentation requirements.

With the help of the method integrated in ecorize, you can quickly uncover and document waste heat potentials that can be passed on to the “Platform for Waste Heat” by the deadline. We are working at full speed in close cooperation with BAFA to offer you a way to automatically forward all your waste heat potentials that you have already maintained in ecorize as part of your energy management to the “Platform for Waste Heat”. If this is not the case in time before 01.01.2025, you can use an export that can be uploaded to the “Platform for waste heat”.